This month's Vikings Voyage Teacher Spotlight is BRAIN HOLLOWAY!So to introduce him to our Viking family Catrina Porter and Allen Miller asked him 5 question let’s see what he said.1. What made you want to become a teacher?I did not start my career as a teacher, however my paths in life lead me to always be workingwith youth. I wanted to continue to make a difference in young adults and help influencethem to a better path in life. The obvious reasonable choice for me was teaching.
2. Biggest pet peeve in your classroom?I do not like for students to criticize themselves. It drive me crazy to hear someone say “Ican’t do this.” or “I am not good at this.”
3. If you weren't a teacher your career would be?I am not sure what actual job I would have but it would involve working with youth to stillmake a difference.
4. If animals could talk, which species would be the rudest of them all?Cats. I have a cat but I am not a cat person. I think cats are arrogant and have an I will dowhat I want attitude.
5. What does North Wilkes mean to you?North Wilkes is my home. This is where I grew up and wanted to be. I think it is a veryspecial place. I did realize what I had here until I went elsewhere and couldn't wait toreturn.