By Kaden J.

You can’t live without love and you definitely can’t live without hate or anger, but what matters the most is what you do with these emotions, meaning WHEN and HOW you use them. The way you use them might bring you up to the white or it might bring you down to the black. But remember that there are way more colors in this crazy, messed-up world we live in and inside us all. All we have to do is reach deep inside and find the colors that represent us and embrace them and show the world who we are and shout “I am who I am. Don’t say I can’t do it because I know I can,” and try to be the person you want to be, not the person everyone else wants you to be. Always remember that we are just like snowflakes, meaning none are the same (well, I don’t know about identical twins), and most have different feelings about different things, so please don’t judge each other.